MeetingDatePresenter(s)Title of Presentation
Thesis Proposal Defense
New Brunswick, NJ
December 12, 2014 Nicole Couto Warm Water Intrusions onto the Continental Shelf of the West Antarctic Peninsula
Thesis Proposal Defense
New Brunswick, NJ
December 5th, 2014 Filipa Carvalho Phytoplankton Dynamics in Submarine Canyons in the West Antarctic Peninsula
VI Polar Science Conference
Porto, Portugal
October 31, 2014 Filipa Carvalho Using Autonomous underwater gliders to study phytoplankton dynamics in the West Antarctic Peninsula
XXII Ocean Optics
Portland, ME
October 29, 2014 Filipa Carvalho Impact of canyon dynamics on the spring phytoplankton bloom (Palmer Deep Canyon, West Antarctic Peninsula)
Gathering of Rutgers Earth, Environmental, & Natural Sciences
New Brunswick, NJ
Oct 15, 2014 Greg Seroka From hurricanes to the sea breeze: air-sea interactions in the coastal zone
New Jersey Science Convention
Princeton, NJ
Oct 14, 2014 Greg Seroka, Kristin Hunter-Thomson & Carrie Ferraro RU Earth Science 2U: Ocean Data and NGSS Science Practices in Your Classroom
National Research Council
Boulder, Colorado
October 6, 2014 Oscar Schofield Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modeling
Scoping for Interdisciplinary Coordinated Experiment of the Southern Ocean Carbon Cycle Meeting
Scripps, La Jolla, CA
September 23, 2014 Oscar Schofield Shelf-coastal LTER perspectives on Export and NCP
St John, Newfoundland
Sept 14-18,
Michael Crowley Gliderpalooza 2013 to Modelpalooza 2014: Joint US & Canadian Ocean Glider Operations Supporting Multidisciplinary Scientific Research and Education
Chip Haldeman Enabling Shallow Water Flight on Slocum Gliders
Travis Miles Sediment Transport in Hurricane Sandy: Glider Observations and Regional Ocean Modeling
The Challenger Glider Mission: Ocean Predictive Skill Assessment in the South Atlantic, Crowd Sourcing of Student Based Discovery
Hugh Roarty Assessment and Quantification of HF Radar Uncertainty
Biennial SCAR Conference
Aukland, New Zealand
August 24, 2014 Oscar Schofield Update and evolution in the Southern Ocean Observing System
UKC 2014 meeting hosted by the Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association
San Francisco, CA
August 8, 2014 Oscar Schofield Korea-U.S. Collaborations in Ocean Observing
Seminar at Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Moss Landing, CA
August 6, 2014 Oscar Schofield Hot Days Along the West Antarctic Peninsula
Summer Ocean Carbon Biogeochemistry meetings
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
July 23, 2014 Oscar Schofield OOI Where are we? What will be there for you? What are the opportunities?
2014 CINAR TEMPESTS summer workshop
Portland, ME
June 19, 2014 Greg Seroka Winter 1: Meteorology
Southern Ocean Observing System Science Steering Committee Meeting
Tromso, Norway
June 18, 2014 Oscar Schofield SOOS Working Group and Pilot Program
Palmer LTER
All Hands Earthcube Meeting
Washington DC
June 24, 2014 Oscar Schofield Science Requirements: Status, issues, needs
3rd Korea-US Oceanic and Atmospheric S&T Workshop
Washington DC
May 30, 2014 Scott Glenn Korea-US Collaborations in Ocean Observing
The 20th International Symposium on Polar Sciences
Korea Polar Research Institute, Songdo, Incheon
May 27-29, 2014 Oscar Schofield &
Travis Miles
Glider observations along the Dotson Ice Shelf
Dawn in the Age of Robotic Oceanography
Webinar hosted by BOEM for NJ Offshore Wind Stakeholders
New Brunswick, NJ
April 22, 2014 Greg Seroka & Rich Dunk An Advanced Atmosphere/Ocean Assessment Program: Reducing the Risks Associated with NJ Offshore Wind Energy Development
Concordia Public Talk
Monroe, NJ
April 17, 2014 Oscar Schofield Changing Ocean and Changing Technology
Taipei, Taiwan
April 8-10, 2014 Scott Glenn The Role of Regional-Scale Ocean Observations for Improved Hurricane Intensity and Impact Forecasts
Hugh Roarty Reduced Averaging Times in the Long Range SeaSonde
Quality Control for a Network of High Frequency Radars
National Taiwan University
Taipei, Taiwan
April 7, 2014 Scott Glenn
Hugh Roarty
US Integrated Ocean Observing System: Regional Scale Implementation, Science and Applications
31st AMS Tropical Conference
San Diego, CA
April 04, 2014 Greg Seroka Coastal Ocean Impact on Hurricane Irene (2011) Intensity
ORCA 2014
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
April 2-4, 2014 Scott Glenn US IOOS Contribution to Improved Hurricane Intensity and Impact Frecasts in Coastal Regions
Success Stories
Hugh Roarty Quality Control for a Network of HF Radar
Description of US IOOS HF Radar Network and Applications
Tech Surge
Weehawken, NJ
April 1, 2014 Oscar Schofield Dawn in the Age of a Well Sampled Ocean
National Research Council
Washington, D.C.
March 31, 2014 Oscar Schofield Southern Ocean Observing System
Rutgers University Thesis Defense
New Brunswick, NJ
MEOPAR Workshop
Montreal, Canada
March 24-26, 2014 Oscar Schofield Rutgers Glider Operations
Fragermen Worldwide Public Talk
Matawan, NJ
March 20, 2014 Oscar Schofield Dawn in the age of robotic ocean exploration
eEOV Workshop
New Brunswick, NJ
March 17-19, 2014 Oscar Schofield Framework for Ocean Observing
University of Sao Paulo, NSF PASI
Sao Paulo, Brazil
March 14, 2014 Scott Glenn US Integrated Ocean Observing System
Oceanology International
London, UK
March 11-13, 2014 Scott Glenn US IOOS Responds to Hurricanes Irene and Sandy
Hugh Roarty Implementation of a National Dual-Use High Frequency Radar Network
The Global High Frequency Radar Network
Josh Kohut Can we improve fisheries stock assessments by using dynamic habitat models informed by the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS)?
Catch The Next Wave
London, UK
March 10, 2014 Scott Glenn The Challenger Glider Mission: Teaching a Generation to Dream
IOOS Congressional Briefing
Washington D.C.
March 6, 2014 Scott Glenn MARACOOS: A Sustained Real-Time Ocean Observation and Forecast System
68th Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference
College Park, MD
March 05, 2014 Greg Seroka Impact of simple parameterizations of upper ocean heat content on modeled Hurricane Irene (2011) intensity
Radiowave Operators Working Group Meeting
San Francisco, CA
March 3-5, 2014 Hugh Roarty HF Radar Quality Control
Ethan Handel
Mobile HF Radar Initial Testing
Mike Smith Real-time Vessel Detection on the North Slope of Alaska
Colin Evans QA/QC Methods for 13 MHz Brant Beach (BRNT) Test Case 
2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting
Honolulu, Hawaii
Feb 24-28,
Mike Crowley
Gliderpalooza 2013: So Much More Than Gliders

OOI EPE: Real Time Ocean Data Coming Soon to an Undergraduate Classroom Near You!
Scott Glenn
Using Ocean Observatory Data to Motivate Hurricane Ocean and Atmospheric Model Sensitivity Studies in the Mid-Atlantic

Korea-U.S. Collaborations in Ocean Observing to Improve Environmental Forecasting

The Challenger Glider Mission: Enhancing Korea’s Global Autonomous Underwater Glider Fleet

Leveraging Ocean Observatories and Web-Based Educational Tools for Sustained Undergraduate Research in Ocean Science

Leveraging Ocean Observatories and Web-Based Educational Tools for Sustained Undergraduate Research in Ocean Science part 2
Josh Kohut
Habitat Models can be used in Coastal Ocean Observing Systems to Guide the Process Based Studies Informing Ecosystem Assessments
Laura Palamara
Variability in Thermal Habitat Dynamics for a Pelagic Forage Fish Estimated by Coupling a Thermal Niche Model to a Hydrodynamic Ocean Model
Chip Haldeman
Enabling Shallow Water Flight on Slocum Gliders
Oscar Schofield
Developing a Range of Ocean Acidification Learning Tools

A decadal analysis of phytoplankton community composition in the melting West Antarctic Peninsula
Carrie Ferraro
Exploring How to Communicate Science More Broadly and Increase Your Impact: Gears Professional Development Workshops For Early Career Scientists
Grace Saba
Austral Winter and Spring Controls on the Food Web at Palmer Station, West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP)
Travis Miles
Sediment resuspension and transport in Hurricane Sandy: Comparisons of glider observations with model results
Janice McDonnell
Developing Problem Based Learning with Undergraduates Using a Web-based Data Investigation Builder Software Tool
Michael Mills
Developing Online Tools To Support The Visualization Of Ocean Data For Educational Applications
Yi Xu
The heat and momentum balance during summer storm Irene in the Mid-Atlantic Bight
Sage Lichtenwalner
Educational Visualization: Supporting Student Knowledge Development with Online Interactive Data Tool
Greg Seroka
Coastal Ocean Impact on Hurricane Irene (2011) Intensity
South Africa HF Radar Workshop
Cape Town, South Africa
February 18, 2014 Scott Glenn Overview of the U.S. National HF Radar Network and Its Application
HF Radar Results from Synergy Experiment Hoboken, NJ February 4, 2014 Hugh Roarty HF Radar Results from Synergy Experiment