MeetingDatePresenter(s)Title of Presentation
AGU Fall Meeting 2012
San Francisco, CA
December 3, 2012 Greg Seroka
Impact of Ocean Observations on Hurricane Irene and Hurricane Sandy Forecasts
IOOS Summit
Dulles, VA
Nov 14, 2012 Scott Glenn
IOOS Summit Special Session: MARACOOS Response to Hurricane Sandy
Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) International Users Meeting
Rio de Janiero, Brazil
Oct 23-25, 2012 Scott Glenn
The Rise of Regional-scale Ocean Observatories for Science, Society and Security; and the Development of Collaborative Global Networks
Virginia Beach Convention Center
Virginia Beach, VA
Oct 14-19,
Scott Glenn
IOOS & Hurricanes & Fish – Oh My!

Impact Of Ocean Observations on Hurricane Irene Intensity Forecasts
Josh Kohut
Using ocean observing systems and local ecological knowledge to nowcast butterfish bycatch events in the Mid-Atlantic Bight longfin squid fishery
PPT version(620Mb).
– smaller PDF version (6.2Mb)
Oscar Schofield
Phytoplankton Dynamics and Bottom Water Oxygen During a Large Bloom in the Summer of 2011

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Greg Seroka
Rutgers University Coastal Ocean Observation Laboratory (RU-COOL) Advanced Modeling System Developed to Cost-Effectively Support Offshore Wind Energy Development and Operational Applications
Colin Evans
Examination of the SeaSonde Wave Processing Parameters and the Effects of Shallow Water on Wave Measurements
Mike Crowley
How Can We “Sea” the Ocean? – Building New Windows for Discovery and Education

Ocean Observatories Initiative: Education & Public Engagement
Hugh Roarty
Expanding the Coverage of HF Radar Through the Use of Wave Powered Buoys

Automated Quality Control of High Frequency Radar Data

Analysis of the Wind Resource off New Jersey for Offshore Wind Energy Development
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Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences Seminar, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ Oct 3,
Dr. Louis W. Uccellini, Director of National Centers for Environmental Prediction
National Centers for Environmental Prediction: Entering a New Era in Earth System Prediction “From the Sun to the Sea”
movie – IreneTracks-WaterMark.wmv
Seminar at Department of Geology, Colgate University,
Hamilton New York
Sept 25, 2012 Oscar Schofield
Hot Days Along The West Antarctic Peninsula
Center for Secure and Resilient Maritime Commerce Stakeholder Engagement Meeting
Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ
Sept 19,
Rutgers University – Scott Glenn, Josh Kohut, Hugh Roarty, Mike Crowley, John Kerfoot, Ethan, Handel, Mike Smith, Colin Evans
CODAR Ocean Sensors – Don Barrick, Pete Lilleboe, Laura Pederson, Belinda Lipa, Chad Whelan, Bruce Nyden, Bill Rector, Jimmy Isaacson
University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez Jorge
Corredor Applied Mathematics, Inc – Bill Browning
University of Alaska – Tom Weingarter, Hank Statskewich
Ocean Power Technologies – Debbie Montangna
Naval Research Laboratory – Michael Lovellette, Dan Newton

The Center for Secure and Resilient Maritime Commerce (CSR)
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Long term Ecological Research (LTER) All Hands Meeting
Estes Park, Colorado
Sept 10-13, 2012 Travis Miles
Physical forcing of a Western Antarctic Peninsula ecosystem: observations from a coastal ocean observing network at Palmer Station.
Grace Saba
Large-scale forcing through the Antarctic food web: Physical drivers of the interannual variability at Palmer Station
Oscar Schofield
Climate induced shifts in the phytoplankton community biomass and community structure along the West Antarctica Peninsula
Ocean Observatories Summer Research Institute Posters Presentation
IMCS, New Brunswick, NJ
Aug 15,
Kristen Holenstein Comparison of CODAR and ADCP Surface Current Velocity Data
Robert Forney Bistatic Systems: Preparing for Multistatic
Nilsen Strandskov Growth Analysis of Pollicipes pollicipes on Slocum Gliders Ru 27 and Silbo
Joe Riscica Correlation between CODAR Currents and Wind Measurements for Offshore Wind Energy
Dave Kaminsky, Shannon Harrison Integration Of New Fluorometry Sensors And Propulsion Technologies Into Slocum Gliders
Collin Dobson Combining Ocean Observing Systems with Statistical Analysis to Account for a Dynamic Habitat
Amelia Snow Sea Surface Temperature as a Trigger of Butterfish Migration: A Study of Fall Phenology
Amanda Williams Investigating Thermal Lag in Slocum Glider CTD Data Compared to YSI Castaway and SeaBird 19 Data
Thesis Proposal Defense
IMCS, New Brunswick, NJ
Aug 15,
Travis Miles
Surface and water-column response to extreme storms in the coastal ocean: observations on the Mid-Atlantic Bight and Western Antarctic Peninsula.
US IOOS National Glider Strategy Development Workshop, Scripps
La Jolla, CA
Aug 1-3,
Scott Glenn
MARACOOS 2011-2016: From Observations to Forecasts
US Coastal Guard Meeting at Juneau, Alaska July 27,
Molly McCammon Alaska Ocean Observing System
Hank Statscewich and Tom Weingartner New Technology Developments for Increased Maritime Domain Awareness In the Chukchi Sea
Scott Glenn
U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System
Scientific Committee of Ocean Research
Portland, Oregon
July 18-19,
Mike Meredith, Oscar Schofield
The Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS)
Euroscience Open Forum 2012
North America & Europe Symposium
Dublin, Ireland
July 11 – 15,
Scott Glenn, John Delaney
What once divided – now unites The Longest River – keynote and PPT version
Energy and Sustainability Course, Guest Lecture, NJ Gov. School in Engineering, IMCS, New Brunswick, NJ July 10,
Greg Seroka
Exploring Offshore Wind Energy: Why is it important and what is being done at Rutgers? – PPTX and PDF version
movie – CODAR_seabreeze.mp4
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American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Lake Biwa, Japan July 9-13,
Oscar Schofield, Scott Glenn, Josh Kohut
Dawn in the age of robotic oceanography: Utility in studying extreme events
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Summer Course on Microbial Oceanography,
Center for Microbial Oceanography
Honolulu, HI
July 1-3,
Oscar Schofield
Lecture 1

Lecture 2

Lecture 3
Navy Students Presentations
New Brunswick, NJ
June 22,
Brittany Henley
RU29 E-Line Mission
Chris Dendor
RU07 NJDEP Mission
Hannah Mayer
Hawaii to Guam
NJ Board of Public Utilities Offshore Wind Project Review
Trenton, NJ
June 06,
Scott Glenn, Rich Dunk, Josh Kohut, Dr. Hugh Roarty, Louis Bowers, Greg Seroka, John Kerfoot, Laura Palamara, Mike Crowley, Ethan Handel, Colin Evans
An Advanced Atmosphere/Ocean Assessment Program: Reducing the Risks Associated with Offshore Wind Energy Development
movie – irene_currents_hd.mp4
movie – wavelet_2band.avi
Teen Climate Change Summit
IMCS, New Brunswick, NJ
May 31,
Oscar Schofield
Hot days along in Antarctica
The 1st Ocean Radar Conference for Asia
Seoul, Korea
May 17,
Scott Glenn
U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System
movie – irene_currents_hd.mp4
movie – wavelet_2band.avi
Princeton Plasma Lab
Princeton, NJ
May 23,
Oscar Schofield, Scott Glenn, Josh Kohut
Dawn in the age of ocean observatories
Rutgers SEBS Staff Meeting
Cook Campus Center
New Brunswick, NJ
May 21,
Oscar Schofield
Hot days along the West Antarctic Peninsula
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
Palisades, NY
March 27,
Oscar Schofield
Hot days along the West Antarctic Peninsula
George H. Cook Honors Theses Presentations
Cook Campus
New Brunswick, NJ
April 17,
Amelia Snow, Dr. Oscar Schofield and Dr. Grace Saba
The Effects of Ocean Acidification on the Physiology of Dominant Antarctic Algal Species
Christopher M. Filosa
Cold Pool Presentation
Invited Seminar: Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography, Old Dominion University March 19,
Josh Kohut, Oscar Schofield, Scott Glenn – Rutgers University, Clayton Jones – Teledyne Webb Research, Matt Oliver – U. Delaware
Small-scale variability of the cross shelf flow over the coastal shelves of Antarctica as measured by a fleet of underwater gliding robots.
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movie – for Josh yo.wmv
Oceanology International 2012
Oil& Gas Session, Keynote Address
London, England
March 14,
Scott Glenn
U.S. IOOS Response to the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill: The Critical Role of Modern Ocean Observing Networks
Oceanology International 2012
CODAR HF Radar Users Meeting
London, England
March 12,
Scott Glenn, Josh Kohut, Hugh Roarty, John Kerfoot, Ethan Handel, Mike Smith, Colin Evans
Development of the U.S. National HF Radar Network: Current Mapping Applications & Gulf Oil Spill Response
U.S./Norwegian HF Radar Collaborations Oslo, Norway March 9,
Scott Glenn, Josh Kohut, Hugh Roarty, John Kerfoot, Ethan Handel, Mike Smith, Colin Evans
Development of the U.S. National HF Radar Network: Dual Use Current Mapping and Vessel Tracking Applications
2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting
Salt Lake City, Utah
Feb 20,
Oscar Schofield, Josh Kohut, Scott Glenn
What has COSEE meant for our science and careers?
Carrie Ferraro, Liesl Hotaling, Janice McDonnell, Sage Lichtenwalner, Jim Yoder, Ari Daniel Shapiro, Chris Parsons
Virtual Tools to Aid Scientists in Developing Broader Impact Projects
Yi Xu, Robert Chant, and Oscar Schofiled Decadal Variability of Climate and Winter Phytoplankton Bloom in the Mid-Atlantic Bight
Feb 21,
Scott Glenn, Oscar Schofield, Josh Kohut, Janice McDonnell, Katie Gardner (LSC), Tim Zimmerman
The Use of Real-time Data from Globally Distributed Glider Missions in the Undergraduate Classroom

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Mike Crowley (PM), Scott Glenn (PI), Janice McDonnell, Sage Lichtenwalner, Mike Mills, Steve Levenson,  Annette deCharon, Carla Companion and Avinash Rude, Joe Wieclawek & Programmer Pool, Debi Kilb (UCSD), Allison Fundis (UW) & Craig Risien (OSU)
Delivering Real Time Data for Transformative Learning in the Undergraduate Classroom
Josh Kohut, Sage Lichtenwalner, and Janice McDonnell – Rutgers University, Chris Parsons – Word Craft, Harold Clark, Kate Florio, and Katie Gardner – Liberty Science Center, Chris Linder – Chris Linder Photography, Hugh Powell – Cornell University
Auv Research And Education In The Ross Sea: Scientists Share Research Experience With Middle School Teachers And Students

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McDonnell, J.D., C.S. Lichtenwalner, A. deCharon, C. Companion, A. Fundis, A. McCurdy, C. Risien, D. Kilb, S. Glenn
An Assessment of Real-Time Data Use in Undergraduate Classrooms
S. Glenn, O. Schofield, J. Kohut, H. Roarty, J. Kerfoot, M. Oliver, H. Seim, G. Seroka, L. Palamara, W. Boicourt, W. Brown, L. Atkinson
Impact of Ocean Observations on Hurricane Irene Intensity Forecasts

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movie – ru16_wAnomaly Mean
movie – wavelet_2band.avi
Sage Lichtenwalner, Kate Florio, Janice McDonnell, Katie Gardner, Harold Clark, Chris Parsons, Liesl Hotaling
Constructing a Framework to Classify Ocean Data Activities: A Tool for Content Developers, Data Translators and Educators (B0680)
Feb 23,
Hugh Roarty , Josh Kohut, Laura Palamara, Ethan Handel, Greg Seroka, Erick Rivera, Scott Glenn
Surface Currents in the Mid Atlantic Bight
Oscar Schofield, Scott Glenn, Josh Kohut, John Manderson, Grace Saba, Matt Oliver
Phytoplankton Dynamics and Bottom Water Oxygen During an Exception Bloom in the Summer of 2011
Grace Saba,Oscar Schofield, Kaycee Coleman, Michael Garzio, Travis Miles, Hugh Ducklow, Mathew Erickson, Bethan Jones, Debora Iglesias-Rodruguez
Differential response of natural phytoplankton communities to enchanced carbon dioxide (CO2) along the Western Antarctic Peninsula
M.J. Garzio, L.A. Kahl, T.N. Miles, K.E. Coleman, O.M. Schofield
Phytoplankton Biomass Feedbacks on in situ Heat Budget
IMCS Weekly Seminar Series,
New Brunswick, NJ
Feb 20,
Greg Seroka
Hurricane Irene: Turbulent Mixing and Sea Surface Temperature Sensitivity
The National Center for Secure and Resilient Maritime Commerce Review
Stevens Institute of Technology,
Hoboken, NJ
Feb 6,
Scott Glenn, Mike Smith, Ethan Handel, Colin Evans
Maritime Domain Awareness: HF-Radar Component