Hurricane Science Mid-Atlantic Regional Association Coastal Ocean Observing System (MARACOOS): Preparing for a Changing Mid-AtlanticSustained Ocean Observations with underwater gliders in support of hurricane intensity forecasts Offshore Wind Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Modeling Framework: WRF and ROMSAdvanced Atmospheric/Oceanic Analyses and Predictions to Effectively Support Offshore Wind (OSW) Energy Development, Environmental Evaluations, and Utility Applications defined in the Renewable Energy Rules (N.J.A.C. 14:8-6) and the NJ Energy Master PlanMarine Mammal Real Time Automated Detection and Oceanographic Sampling Project Polar Science LTER Palmer, Antarctica: Land-Shelf-Ocean Connectivity, Ecosystem Resilience & Transformation in a Sea-Ice Influenced Pelagic EcosystemCollaborative Research: Physical mechanisms driving food web focusing in Antarctic biological hotspots hotspots Ocean Acidification Assessing the susceptibility of Atlantic sea scallops and surf clams to ocean acidification using glider-bd coastal modeling and larval transport modelsOptimizing Ocean Acidification Observations for Model Parameterization in a Coupled Slope Water System of the US Northeast Large Marine EcosystemCollaborative Research: Developing a profiling glider PH sensor for high resolution coastal ocean acidification monitoring Integrated Ocean Technology Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) CariCOOS: Advancing Coastal Intelligence in the US CaribbeanVTS Radar for Small Vessel DetectionHF-Radar Data Acquisition & Processing in the Gulf of MexicoSoftware Tools for the Mitigation of Wind Turbine Interference in the U.S. IOOS NetworkMeteotsunami Detection with CODAR HF-RadarMid-Atlantic Regional Association Coastal Ocean Observing System (MARACOOS): Preparing for a Changing Mid-Atlantic Empowering the Next Generation Research Internships in Ocean Sciences (RIOS)EHR-Polar DCL 2018: Collaborative Research: Polar Literacy: A model for youth engagement and learningEngaging Faculty and Students in Learning with OOI Data Explorations Fisheries & Water quality Buoyant river outflows as a control on microplastic fate and transport: sources, transformations, dispersion and sinks2020 Deployment of NJDEP’s Slocum Glider by Rutgers UniversityPhysiological ecology and habitat suitability: combining experiments and surveys to inform stock assessments Completed Projects Surface Water and Ocean TopographyIndicators of Habitat change affecting three key commercial species of the U.S. Northeast Shelf: A design to facilitate proactive management in the face of climate changeEducation support and synthesis based on the initial phase of the Ocean Observatories Initiative