Scientific Mission
- Demonstrate a novel global ocean observing capacity using a novel technology capable of sustaining a presence in the sea.
- Enhance ocean observing systems and advance our understanding of global circulation patterns.
- Utilize real-time data to support forecasting of ocean hazards (such as hurricanes) and strengthen community resilience to natural disasters.
Educational Mission
- Build a global student community using an AUV technology during the Sentinel’s voyage around the world.
- Use the Sentinel Mission to raise awareness and inspire global citizenship in protecting our shared marine resources.
- Inspire student leadership in environmental sustainability and global equity through the strengthening of international partnerships and the free and open sharing of knowledge.
Exploration Mission
- Have the Sentinel embarks on the worlds first AUV-powered circumnavigation navigation.
- Lead efforts to promote society’s ocean literacy.
- Champion the development of a sustainable and equitable ocean economy to provide data-driven solutions in line with the goals of the New Blue Economy and United Nations Ocean Decade.