Schofield, O., Glenn, S. M., Moline, M. A. 2013. The robotic ocean network. American Scientist. 101: 434-441.
Sailley, S. F., Ducklow, H. W., Moeller, H. V., Fraser, W. R., Schofield, O., Steinberg, D. K., Garzio, L. M., Doney, S. C. 2013. Carbon fluxes and pelagic ecosystem dynamics near two western Antarctic Peninsula Adelie penguin colonies: An inverse model approach. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 492: 253-272. doi: 10.3354/meps10534
Dobson, Collin, J. Mart, N. Strandskov, J. Kohut, O. Schofield, S. Glenn, C. Jones, C. Barrera. 2013. The Challenger Glider Mission: A Global Ocean Predictive Skill Experiement. Proceedings Oceans IEEE MTS 2013, San Diego.
Ducklow, H.W., W.R. Fraser, M.P. Meredith, S.E. Stammerjohn, S.C. Doney, D.G. Martinson, S.F. Sailley, Oscar M. Schofield, D.K. Steinberg, H.J. Venables, and C.D. Amsler. 2013. West Antarctic Peninsula: An ice-dependent coastal marine ecosystem in transition. Oceanography 26(3):190–203,
Fraser, W.R., D.L. Patterson-Fraser, C.A. Ribic, Oscar Schofield, and H. Ducklow. 2013. A nonmarine source of variability in Adélie penguin demography. Oceanography 26(3):207–209, http://
Oscar Schofield, H. Ducklow, K. Bernard, S. Doney, D. Patterson-Fraser, K. Gorman, D. Martinson, M. Meredith, G. Saba, S. Stammerjohn, and others. 2013. Penguin biogeography along the West Antarctic Peninsula: Testing the Canyon Hypothesis with Palmer LTER observations. Oceanography 26(3):204–206,
Matthew J. Oliver , Matthew W. Breece , Dewayne A. Fox , Danielle E. Haulsee , Josh T. Kohut , John Manderson & Tom Savoy (2013): Shrinking the Haystack: Using an AUV in an Integrated Ocean Observatory to Map Atlantic Sturgeon in the Coastal Ocean, Fisheries, 38:5, 210-216
Oscar Schofield, Yi Chao, Accomplishments and future perspective of coastal ocean observing systems, Continental Shelf Research, Available online 9 April 2013, ISSN 0278-4343,
Scott Glenn et al. Process Driven Improvements to Hurricane Intensity and Storm Surge Forecasts in the Mid-Atlantic Bight: Lessons Learned from Hurricanes Irene and Sandy (2013) Marine Technology Society
Rachel E. Sipler, Deborah A. Bronk, Sybil P. Seitzinger, Ronald J. Lauck, Lora R. McGuinnes, Gary J. Kirkpatrick, Cynthia A. Heil, Lee J. Kerkof, Oscar M. Schofield, Trichodesmium-derived dissolved organic matter is a source of nitrogen capable of supporting the growth of toxic red tide in Karenia brevis (2013). Marine Ecology Progress Series Vol. 483: 31-45, 2013 doi: 10.3354/meps10258
Josh Kohut, Hugh Roarty, Evan Randall-Goodwin, Scott Glenn, C. Sage Lichtenwalner, Evaluation of two algorithms for a network of coastal HF radars in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (2013). Ocean Dynamics DOI 10.10007/s10236-012-0533-9
Josh Kohut, Elias Hunter, Bruce Huber, Small-scale variability of the cross-shelf flow over the outer shelf of the Ross Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, VOL. 118, 1863-1876, doi: 10.1002/jgrc.20090, 2013
Oscar Schofield, Mark Moline, Brownyn Cahill, Thomas Frazer, Alex Kahl, Matthew Oliver, John Reinfelder, Scott Glenn, Robert Chant, Phytoplankton productivity in a turbid buoyant coastal plume. Continental Shelf Research (2013),
Matthew J. Oliver, Andrew Irwin, Mark A. Moline, William Fraser, Donna Patterson, Oscar Schofield, Josh Kohut 2013 Adelie Penguin Foraging Location Predicted by Tidal Regime Switching PLoS ONE, Volume 8, Issue 1, e55163