Fish and Whales Keep Greenhouse Gases in the Ocean

June 2, 2021

A new study from the University of Agder shows that animals are part of the natural carbon cycle process that absorbs greenhouse gas emissions… Angela Helen Martin, Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Natural Sciences at University of Agder, recently published a review article on how fishes and other animals affect greenhouse gases in the ocean. One of her conclusions is that there is a need to consider how animals affect carbon in order to design effective management of carbon in ocean habitats and of marine vertebrate populations. The review article was published in the journal One Earth. Martin’s co-authors were Heidi C. Pearson at University of Alaska Southeast, Grace K. Saba at Rutgers University and Esben M. Olsen at the Institute of Marine Research (Havforskningsinstituttet) and UiA.

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