Research Interests
I am a research programmer involved in various projects for the COOL lab. My main focus lies in how features of the physical environment relate to biological patterns and trends, both on short and long time scales. Many of my projects use remotely sensed data and modeled projections to better understand patterns in mid-Atlantic fisheries indices, and some of these results have been included in stock assessments for certain species. I also contribute software and analysis of remotely sensed data from gliders, HF radar, and satellites to other projects involving storm forecasting, seabreeze and offshore wind energy, creation of climatologies, and quality control of data.
Short History
In 2008 I graduated from The College of New Jersey with a degree in biology focused in ecology, and began working towards a masters degree at Rutgers. My thesis aimed to identify how various physical features of the environment, such as temperature and surface currents, correlate with fish abundance and distribution patterns in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. I have continued working on various projects within the COOL lab since graduating in early 2011.