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NOAA Planet Stewards Webinar with Travis Miles

Professor Travis Miles gave a NOAA Planet Stewards Webinar on Monday, May 13 titled Hurricanes & Robots: How New Technology is Changing the Way We Study and Predict Extreme Storms.

NOAA Planet Stewards welcomed Dr. Travis Miles, Assistant Professor in Rutgers University’s Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences as their featured speaker this month.

Hurricanes are one of the deadliest and costliest natural disasters in the world. Our ability to predict where storms will make landfall has improved steadily, but it is still a challenge to predict a storms intensity or strength. Robots patrolling our coastal oceans are providing new opportunities to improve hurricane intensity forecasts and inform better response plans. In this talk you’ll learn how these heroic robots swim and survive into the eye of the storm to keep us safe.

Watch the complete archived video below!