Title: Engaging Faculty and Students in Learning with OOI Data Explorations
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Project Lead: Janice McDonnell and Sage Lichtenwalner
Partners: Carleton College (SERC), Queen College CUNY, University of California- Berkeley, Lawrence Hall of Science, Stockton University, Hillsborough Community College, Western Washington University
Period of Performance: 7/1/19 – 6/30/23
Total Budget: $1,037,738
Project Summary:
Our goal is to continue to expand the community of professors effectively utilizing OOI data in their classrooms. Through the continued development of content, in-person and online courses, and tutorials, we propose to facilitate the development of leaders who are excited about engaging students in OOI data and being a scientist rather than reading about science. We will work with professors and practitioners to refine our Data Explorations model, building a critical mass of exemplars and sharing effective practices. Our Theory of Action (figure 1) focuses on providing experiences and building expertise in three distinct audiences a) OOI education leaders that will help facilitate a community of practice, b) professors who teach undergraduate level oceanography, and c) undergraduate students.