Dr. Josh Kohut, Professor in the Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences, has accepted the position of SEBS Dean of Research / NJAES Director of Research

Dr. Josh Kohut, Professor in the Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences, has accepted the position of SEBS Dean of Research / NJAES Director of Research. Josh came to Rutgers…

Continue ReadingDr. Josh Kohut, Professor in the Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences, has accepted the position of SEBS Dean of Research / NJAES Director of Research

The Department of Marine & Coastal Sciences and The School of Graduate Studies showcase the University’s varied research opportunities at the SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference

Assistant Teaching Professor Alexander López and Associate Dean Evelyn Erenrich hosted an exhibitor booth for Rutgers University at the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science…

Continue ReadingThe Department of Marine & Coastal Sciences and The School of Graduate Studies showcase the University’s varied research opportunities at the SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference