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Dr. Hugh Roarty presents at the Wind Turbine Radar Interference Mitigation Working Group

Dr. Hugh Roarty and Dr. Dale Trockel travelled to Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, California to attend the Wind Turbine Radar Interference Mitigation (WTRIM) Working Group.  Drs. Roarty and Trockel spoke of the importance of High Frequency radar and the potential impact to the radars from the development of offshore wind turbines.  Land-based High Frequency (HF) Radars provide critically important observations of the coastal ocean that will be adversely affected by the spinning blades of utility-scale wind turbines.  The WTRIM Working Group is a consortium of federal agencies composed of the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of Energy, the Federal Aviation Administration, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.