Rutgers University
  • Gliders Pelagia and Ramses

    Posted on September 13th, 2018 Scott Glenn No comments

    Here are glider data-model comparisons for the two gliders being flown by Catherine Edwards at Skidaway.

    Pelagia is located near the SC/GA border and is nearly isothermal but with the daily variation in temperature near the surface averaging to a small increase in the daily average temperature.  GOFS 3.1 has the least vertical variability.

    Ramses deployed north of Cape Hatteras indicates there is strong two-layer system with significant stratification, and GOFS 3.1 is doing the best job of capturing it.

    From Maria:

    “It is interesting to see that for Ramses the water column is very stratified, with a surface to bottom temperature difference of about 12 degrees celsius, but some of the models show weak stratification (about 1 degree surface to bottom temperature differences). For Pelagia the situation is completely opposite: the temperature is almost vertically uniform but the models present some stratification.”

    Last 5 posts by Scott Glenn

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