Rutgers University
  • Second test – time to shift waypoint north

    Posted on October 13th, 2018 Scott Glenn No comments

    The heading rose plot from the last segment has an average heading 75 degrees to the right of the commanded heading.  So we do not have an steady offset or trend.  Sometimes the offset is less than 90 degrees to the right.  Sometimes more.  But it tends to oscillate around 90 degrees to the right of the commanded heading.


    During this segment the glider moved to the northwest, in the direction of the average heading.  So the currents are low.  More evidence copernicus model is right.  Copernicus currents are shown here.

    So our plan is to continue sliding the waypoint north a little bit each day and walk this glider up to the edge of the shipping lanes, about 40 nautical miles south of Galle.

    Current waypoint is just south of 4 N.  We can shift it 10′ north to about 4 degrees, 10′ north before the next surfacing in early afternoon.

    Last 5 posts by Scott Glenn

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