Rutgers University
  • Generic Diagnostic Plots for 13MHz SEAB SeaSonde Site for the time period of Feb./08/09 – June/07/09

    Posted on June 16th, 2009 admin No comments

    All of the plots  shown below are from the diagnostic files obtain from the SEAB site  for the time period of  02/08/2009 to 06/07/2009. For this specific time span the site seems to be experiencing some problems either with the power supply or the data processing done by the hardware due to all of the gaps in the plots. This gaps represent missing data for that specific time.

    Since the SEAB site was working before the time span plotted we can compare briefly the values obtain for both sites, since they resemble in a lot of ways.If we compare the values from this site with the values obtain for the CDDO site we can see some differences and similarities.


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