Rutgers University
  • References

    Posted on June 23rd, 2010 admin No comments

    Here are some references I found regarding research that has already been done on current measurements:

    Ttitle: Near-surface current profile measurements using time series optical imagery

    Author(s): Dugan, J., Piotrowski, C., Zuckerman, S., Chinn, C., Yi, M., Vierra, K.

    Summary: Currents were measured from Castle Point along the Hudson River via “optical imagery-based measurements of the Doppler spectrum of wide-band gravity waves under a variety of conditions. The goal of this investigation is to extend the spectral measurements to shorter waves than typically resolved from the aircraft, and determine the current velocity profile throughout the top several meters above the ADCPs.”

    Title: Airborne optical system for remote sensing of ocean waves

    Author(s): Dugan, J.P., Fetzer, G.J., Bowden, J., Farruggia, G.J., Williams, J.Z., Piotrowski, C.C., Vierra, K., Campion, D., Sitter, D.N.

    Summary: “A compact, turret-based optical system has been designed and constructed for passive imaging of ocean waves using a small aircraft. The purpose of the system is to collect time series of images, which are mapped to a common geodetic surface in order to extract the space-time characteristics of the waves.”

    Title: Jetski-based nearshore bathymetric and current survey system

    Author(s): Dugan, J.P., Morris, W.D., Vierra, K.C., Piotrowski, C.C., Farruggia, G.J., Campion, D.C.

    Summary: “Nearshore coastal research programs need a methodology for determining the bathymetry and currents in and near the surf, a region notably difficult to survey in the presence of even moderate waves. A reasonably portable system has been designed and constructed that provides survey data on these variables in the nearshore along remote coastlines using either a jetski or amphibious vehicle.”

    Title: Multifrequency HF Radar Observations of Currents and Current Shears

    Author(s): Teague, Calvin C.

    Summary: “Techniques developed for using high-frequency (HF) surface-wave radar to measure ocean currents and vertical current shears in the upper 1 or 2 m of the ocean surface are discussed. A portable coherent pulsed-Doppler HF radar system, developed and used in several experiments, both on land on the California coast and onboard a ship during the Joint Air-Sea Interaction (JASIN) experiment, is also reviewed.”

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