Rutgers University
  • An Argo Float from the critical Warm Eddy

    Posted on June 5th, 2020 Scott Glenn No comments

    Here we look back on the Argo floats locations for the last 20 days.  Looking for one closer to the eddy center.  So we chose one near  25N, 90W.


    For the temperature comparison, we see the near surface region is similar in magnitude but with multiple mixed layers in temperature in the Argo data. Profiles at the depths below 600 m are also similar, but the main warm core of the eddy between 100 m and 600 m is different.  Argo data is warmer than the model.  Perhaps this is a true temperature difference, or perhaps it is simply a difference in location.  That the real world Argo profile may be closer to the center of the eddy than the same location in the model.  To help answer this question, it is often good to look at the profiles relative to an eddy center based coordinate system.   We can do that in the model.  More difficult in the data when you only have a single float profile and you can’t direct the float into the eddy center.


    The same discussion applies to salinity.  The core of the anticyclonic eddy is warm and salty.  The Argo float is saltier than the model.  Maybe the Argo float is closer to the eddy center?  The Argo salinity profile also has a deeper mixed layer than the model.  Is this a difference in surface mixing?  or maybe it is part of the banding we see in the circulation around the eddy.   Easier to check in the model.  More difficult when you are dealing with a single profile instead of a cross-section through an eddy.


    Last 5 posts by Scott Glenn

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