Rutgers University
  • Hello from Marissa

    Posted on November 1st, 2018 Scott Glenn No comments

    Oscar and I are here in Marissa, same place we picked up RU29 after its record breaking mission flying from Perth, Australia.



    RU29 is currently 8 nautical miles due south of Marissa Harbor.  It is still in deep water to help with station keeping.  The surface currents are strong, so we like to wait at depth.


    Our boat is the catamaran Crystal. We stopped by today to see the vessel and meet the captain and crew.  We have two staircases down to the water level platform, one on each side.  The captain and lookouts will be on the upper deck as we approach the glider.


    Tomorrow’s schedule in Sri Lanka times:

    Van pick up at hotel 4:30 am.  At boat by 5 am.  Boat loaded and set up for 5:30 am – 6:00 am departure. On site by about 7 am our time.  We’ll get the current location of RU29, and a waypoint to head to that is just to the east of the current location.  We head to our waypoint and then turn west, approaching the glider with the sun at our back.  We will be standing on the upper deck looking for the glider with the Iridium phone getting text updates of location and the gps to let us know which way to go.